Monday 14 March 2016

A genuis thought!

Year 2 are just about to break into individual research surrounding their history inquiry question. They have adjusted the angle of their questions after listening to a guest speaker, and were inspired to dive into some very specific questions about how technology has influenced our world today. Keep posted for our discoveries!

On another note, I had a brain wave during a long drive about a goal for the students Genius Projects. After proposing a concert to celebrate music and drama within the school, I wondered whether this would be a good  platform to share some of the students research and discoveries to the wider school to others community. Perhaps a Genius display area could be set up for students to present their projects to others. A genius thought? I think so!

Monday 1 February 2016

Introduction to Genius Hour

Monday marked MHOCs first taste of the concept of Genius hour for students in years 3-6. The was a real buzz around the school as the kids chatted and shared ideas about the things that they wanted to learn and discover. There were lots of excited, confused and curious faces (including on the teachers faces!) and it is encouraging to see such rich discussion around learning and discovery.

Year 2 students are going to explore the inquiry process throughout the term 1, before introducing a more formal Genius hour in term 2.

It will be fascinating to see what the students uncover and explore in the coming weeks!

TTFN Creative Katie

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Genius Hour

Genius Hour - what an amazing idea!

I am so excited to be part of it's introduction. Let me list my reasons to be super excited about this program:

1. It's a great way to get to know my students interests
2. It's an awesome conversation starter at home to get kids talking to their parents about their learning at school
3. It lets kids personalise their learning and get excited about challenging themselves and discovering new things.

We already have a "Wonder Wall" set up in Year 2 to get the creative juices flowing. Stay tuned to see more about how Year 2 go with Genius hour!

